Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lessons from the Walking Dead

I don't watch horror flicks of any kind.  No, really, not at all.  I don't mind violence in a film to prove a point, etc., but I don't do scary films.  When I was a small child I was exposed to one too many bad decisions when it came to television viewing.  I saw a lot of gore, horror and and violence on screen before I could even write a sentence or read a paragraph.  I had nightmares all the time and hid under my blankets for so long it would get stiflingly hot and I could hardly breathe.  I didn't care, I wasn't pulling the cover off for nothing.  I would beg my sister to let me sleep with her and put her arm around me.  Falling asleep seemed like a terrifying prospect and that was really a time in my life I don't wish to repeat for multiple reasons and maybe the nightmares were a result of more than one thing. 

I had heard of the television series the Walking Dead for some time and decided to give watching it a try one evening.  I couldn't get through the first ten minutes before I needed to turn it off because it scared me that bad.  Then here recently I gave it another chance and made myself watch it.  After the first few episodes watching the show became rightfully addicting. 

I'm glad I watched it.  Yes, all five seasons.  It took a few weeks, but I got through them. 

I am amazed that such a show could open my eyes up to so much.  I mean I know it is just tv, but I think it paints a very accurate picture about how people work, who the good and bad guys really are and what it means to truly survive in a world that seems to be falling apart.  I hardly ever watch tv but I was deeply drawn into this one.  Why?  Is it the zombies?  For me, no, not at all.  If you watch the show you realize that it almost has nothing intrinsically important to do with the zombies themselves and after a while they simply fall into the shadows of thought and become the background music to the real struggle at hand. 

Zombies are  mindless and weak.  They act upon instinct alone and have no cold blood in their dead bodies.  Their necessity to their own survival is completely thoughtless.  But the people?  The characters themselves?  Well, now that is a whole other story, meaning, purpose in part and comprehension.  Who's going to gain a self sustained moment and lose their souls in this apocalyptic struggle and who can blame them?  Oh, and many do.  They give up their souls for momentary comfort or simple survival.  Then there are some that despite the mind numbing battles ahead and behind they are hanging on to their sense of soul, their body of principle.  And sometimes no matter how right or how wrong you must go about it the greater good must prevail as a whole to save the largest number of people or resources.  The rules change constantly and some lose their way out of sheer momentary insanity and others lose it forever never to gain back their sense of duty to fight evil and protect the innocent.  The good. 

And I have to say this.  I'm not afraid of the zombies.  After a while they didn't scare me in the slightest bit.  It's just white noise compared with the people, what they can do, what they are capable of doing.  Good should prevail, but how?  Conscience that's how.  Listening to the soul of man speak to itself and coming up with the power to follow through.  And where does that power come from?  Some say God.  I would say God.  Listening to that small voice.  People do good things every day and how do they do that under these soul crushing circumstances?  By being human. 

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