Monday, February 16, 2015

Stand Up Comedy Routine Material: Day One


It was seven in the morning this morning.  I wished to the heavens that I could sleep in for once.  The sleep was uninterrupted and restful.  Truly it was.   SO, that was good, very good.  Very, very good.  The last child has stirred and is begging for that one be set free from the confines of her bed, her crib.  Not sure if she wants me or if she just wants to begin another day of holy terror.  Yup.  Terror.  It’s my fault.  I don’t blame her much.  You’d think I’d know by number six how to reign in a two year old but alas, alack, I do, do, do, do not know how to do that.  It’s been five years since I’ve had a two year old and oh, my, holy, crud I don’t know how to get that child to do what she is supposed to do and keep her from doing what she is not supposed to do.  I shrug my baffled shoulders up once again.  Oh, well.  We’ll muddle through.  She’s up.  There’s no rest now...forget it.  Just forget it.  I’ll have that next year.  Maybe.

Jacob is up.  He falls fast asleep hard and early each night so he’s usually the third one up in the morning.  The others were snoozing harder than logs, harder than hogs, oh, they were out.  Yesterday was busy with Mardi Gras parades and a national park visit that has an old fort.  And speaking about the two year old...she ran yesterday and she ran and she ran.  I ran.  After. Her.  I felt good.  Thank God or I’d be cursing the sky and wondering what the heck I’d gotten myself into.  Not at God, of course, God, not at you.  The birds...oh, anything.  I’d be cursing.  Really.  This old lady ain’t what she used to be. In many different ways.  Okay, I’m not old, dang.  I’m young.  I’m 37.  I’ve got an almost 15 year old, a 13 year old, an 11 year old, a 9 year old, a 7 year old, a 2 year old, two dogs and a partridge in a pear tree.  Yeah, it feels like Christmas, funerals and Mard Gras parades going on all at the same time every single, interesting day.  There is drama.  There is fun.  There are tears.  There are fears.  There are, there are.  Whatever *it* is we have it every. Single. Day.  I laugh, I cry.  I smile.  I frown.  I am angry.  I am happy go lucky.  Here it all is.  Every day.  

Back to this day...stubbed toes.  Tears.  Soccer in the backyard.  Fun.  Running baby and the whole family running after her, taking turns.  She’s great.  She is so terribly bad.  Oh, my.  She is so bad.  And that is really bad.  Staying calm is key.  Keeping calm is even more than key it is absolutely vital.  Bike rides.  Running baby.  She’s still not tired.  She had a bath and lollipop to get her in that direction.  Hey, don’t judge me. 
We had some old furniture to burn on the pile out back so I lit it up.  We are here in Alabama country so I can do that.  Boy, did it burn.  We all have a little bit of pyro mania in our blood so we have regular bon fires.  The land lord can thank us later for clearing out all of his brush for him from his woods.  

Am I really googling how to get a toddler to listen to you?  To me?  

Me and Jake made spaghetti together.  We all sat down for ten minutes and the kids woofed.  They were hungry.  On to the next activity.  Cleaning up.  I’ll let them loaf a little for today.  They have a friend over.  Tomorrow will be a different story.  Cleaning, feeding, cleaning and feeding.  Oh, and school.  They are supposed to be learning something, right?  Let’s see...what did these crazy kids learn today? They learned mad soccer skills from their very adept friend.  One learned how to ride her bike.  They all learned about fire safety when mom yelled to get the hose quick and for heaven’s sake untangle it so the water can come out.  Yeah, that little bon fire went up pretty crazily.  Let’s see.  They cooked.  Well, because some of them know how to cook and quite well at that.  One had a bottle of water spilled all over their book bag.  And important papers and drawings were soaked.  He learned how not to freak out when things go wrong, because, let’s face it.  It doesn’t help a thing.  We learned how to be disappointed and angry without sending mother’s blood pressure up for three days.  Truly.  I thought some kid fell out of a really tall tree with those reactions.  Another went on to polish his blog, writing, hammering, drawing, collaborating with others, thinking, writing or drawing something over again because it wasn’t quite right.  One watched the baby the better part of the day.  Playing, cleaning, changing.  She’ll get paid for that.  I got a whole lot done, too.  

I sorted through our food supply to organize it all.  My fridge and cupboards were a big, fat mess.  We are going on a long trip in two days so I am trying to pack us all up.  Work.  I try to find their best clothes.  Rifling, sorting, packing.  Busy, busy.  All that and it's only one o'clock. 

The cherry on top is that the baby is in her bed.  Just being honest.  Love her much and I love her just as much when she is in her bed asleep.   

All is quiet.  

For now I can catch my breath long enough to sweep floors, pack and do laundry and then go at it again.  

Don't worry.

It's just an average day over here.  It's all good.

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